about desdot

about desdot

Des has been in the design and print industry for over 25 years, and has a passion for fonts, colours, “white space”, beautiful lines, gorgeous curves, fabulous photos; and clients that share her delight in dynamic designs that touch the soul.

She has a diploma in Web Design from Vega School of Brand Leadership, and is fascinated with widgets and plugins; themes that impress and websites that wow!

Des has a "toolbox" of professionals in the industry with unique skills which she can call on at any time that complete the "we" in desdesigns.

With her extensive experience - 15 years as head of the design studio at a printing company; 8 years at a recognised advertising agency; over 10 years with desdesigns t/a desdot photography and design - you are in good hands.

"It may be functional, but if it's not beautiful, what's the point?"

des camera mono